I am very proud to be the recipient of the grant from The Scheibler Foundation / Stiftelsen Scheibler pris for Kunsthåndverk for 2019. The grant will be awarded at Mellomsstasjonen in Oslo February 11.
RE:Collected II
From the opening of the exhibition RE:COLLECTED at Mosjøen kunstforening
RE:COLLECTED, Mosjøen kunstforening
I will open a solo exhibition in the old Shellstation in Mosjøen September 14 at 6.00 pm.
FREDET: Denne bygningen er den eldste originale bensinstasjonen i Nordland. Foto: Tore Wuttudal Samfoto
Stasjonen i Mosjøen er et typisk eksempel på den funksjonalistiske stilen, som slo for fullt igjennom i Norge på 1930-tallet. Den er også den eldste originale bensinstasjonen i Nordland.
Bygningen var i bruk som bensinstasjon fram til 1954. I dag er stasjonen en del av Helgeland museum. Den er restaurert av museet i samarbeid med Nordland fylkeskommune, og kan besøkes i sommersesongen.
Temporale summer workshop
Preparation for the exhibition
Rusty steel and silver
WHATS UP, purchased by the municipality of Tolga
Wake up, stainless steel cutlery, clock with mockingbird song every hour, wood
Detail Wake up
Mounting of Aqua at Ringerike vannverk
Second day
Third day
Fourth day
Fifth day
Last day
Kjetil Aschim in action
Toril in action
Official takeover
Mounting of the exhibition Expended, rediscovered and reborn
Obedience II
Public art to Lillehammer Vgs, avd sør, "Veien bli til", 2017
Commission public artwork of Lillehammer Vgs. Sculptural work in stairs and outdoor in cooperation with Kjetil Aschim.
Outdoor sculpture made out of an old Vespa.
Work made out of scrap metall and old fuel tanks of mopeds.
Mounting the wallsculptures "Veien blir til" at Lillehammer High Scool.
Working with "Exhausted" (Sliten), 2016-2017
"Argentum", Public art, Marens handelskvartal, Kongsberg, 2014
Argentum is a work made out of 630 kg steel and aluminium mounted on a 60 meters long concrete wall representing a silver yard in the mountain. Kongsberg is an ancient mining city and the wealth of the city is built on the silver.
With the project manager from Skanska and the Mayor from Kongsberg